5 Trends That Will Define Social Media Marketing in 2022

5 Trends That Will Define Social Media Marketing in 2022

Social media is a beast. It’s also a business-changing beast. On one hand, it’s a fantastic way to build your business, reach out to customers, and grow your audience. On the other hand, it’s also a massive time drain and an advertising black hole.

If you’re not careful, you could find yourself spending all your time on social media, without any real results. Or, you could use social media as a tool to supplement your marketing strategies, not replace them.

In order to make the most of social media and get the most out of your time on the platform, you need to be aware of the current social media trends. Keep reading to discover the 5 trends that will define social media marketing in 2022:

 Video Marketing Will Take Center Stage

Video marketing is one of the most effective social video marketing strategies that you can use. And it’s not just because people love videos. It’s also because in 2022, video will be the standard for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With video becoming more and more popular on these networks, it’s important to find ways to leverage this trend for your business.

Facebook has gone all-in on video and it’s not just a trend anymore. They have started producing their own original content in order to increase the number of videos on the platform which are cutting out the time and cost of having a third-party create them.

With this new focus on video production, they have made it easier than ever to post videos straight from your phone or computer onto your feed where they can go viral very quickly if done correctly as we’ve seen with other companies like Oreo who found success with their cleverly produced videos.

Content Marketing Will Become Even More Important

Content marketing is always important, but it will likely become even more so in the future. The internet is cluttered with information, and there are tons of people competing for your attention. If you want to break through the noise, you need to provide high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

One way to do this is through influencer marketing. Influencers have already built-up a following on social media, which means they’ll have more clout than you will when it comes to getting people’s attention on social media. You can reach out to influencers and ask them if they’re willing to promote your business in exchange for some type of compensation – like free products or a monetary fee per post. And while it’s not a fool proof plan, influencers can help your business grow by making people aware of what you’re doing.

Artificial Intelligence Will Give Brands More Control

The rise of AI will fundamentally change the way we interact with social media. From how brands advertise to how they understand customer needs, AI will play a role in all aspects of marketing.

In short, the power will shift from social media platforms to brands. Rather than relying on likes and shares, brands will be able to tap into deep data sets and use AI to tailor messages to specific customer needs. In 2022, you’ll have more control over your ads than ever before.

Personalization Will Drive Increased Customer Engagement

Personalization will be the driving trend of social media marketing in 2022. With the top platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest all employing personalization strategies, brands will need to find ways to implement their own strategies of personalizing content for a better experience.

Facebook is using facial recognition to show highly targeted ads that match the interests and demographic information of an individual user. In fact, one report found that Facebook has a 65% higher click-through rate on ads that are personalized than ads that are not.

Pinterest is also jumping on the personalization bandwagon. The company launched a new tool called Promoted Pins in 2018. This tool helps users promote their pins by displaying them in front of people who have shown interest in similar pins as well as people who have shown interest in other advertisers’ pins or products.

The more you can customize your content with custom images and text to speak directly to your audience members, the more likely they are to engage with you and purchase your products or services. Personalization is key!

ROI Will Be The Biggest Factor in Social Media Marketing Decisions

In the past, social media was seen as a place for companies to just “be.” It was where you went to be part of a community and build relationships with other brands.

Now, social media is seen more as a marketing tool. When it comes to deciding what platforms you should use and how you should allocate your budget, ROI will be the biggest factor.

In fact, 87% of business owners say that ROI was their top priority when it came to determining how they allocate their budget for social media marketing. By 2022, 75% of people in charge of social media ROI will have a dedicated staff member to track results.

As a result, we can predict that the focus on ROI will increase tremendously in the coming years and brands will start paying much closer attention to how they can grow their businesses through social media.

 Bottom Line

– Social media is a beast. It’s also a business-changing beast. On one hand, it’s a fantastic way to build your business, reach out to customers, and grow your audience. On the other hand, it’s also a massive time drain and an advertising black hole.

– In order to make the most of social media and get the most out of your time on the platform, you need to be aware of the current social media trends. Keep reading to discover the 5 trends that will define social media marketing in 2022: